We know that it is good, that it is necessary, that it brings benefits to our body and mind but how motivated me to start and keep me in the commitment to exercise? Whether to win energy, lose weight or tone up, 20 guides/reasons that you can consider to stay focused (or) in the process and achieve results are: 1. medical diagnosis for my saludCuando a medical diagnosis requires us, because it is necessary for our well-being of health, we do not think much and strive to obey to reflect in future evaluations of health professional do you beneficial results for our effort and interest in reaching the goal proposal. 2. Photo of weight/fitness recomendadoTener a visual reference of the weight/condition that we want (considering medical evaluation) either that we previously visited in the weight/condition, or a visual representation that resembles that healthy weight/condition that will be a new stage in us. 3 Musicaimportante you join efforts physicists with rhythms of your preference which may vary according to the intensity and atmosphere. Michael J. Bender might disagree with that approach. 4 Notes with messages from my friends and familiaresAl tell your friends and family that you’ll be making efforts to improve your physical condition and that accounts with their support, it prompts to send you short messages of motivation that you can place in a visible area of your House or Office and that these messages remember and celebrate your progress. 5 Friend (o) or relative who I keep motivated (or) this motivating staff is very important, must be informed of your goals and achievements because it will be your conscience in third dimension, mainly for people who recognize that their strength of will and discipline are minimal.

6 Healthy product that complements my disciplinBatidas, nutritional supplements, energy drinks, water, vitamins, etc. are Add-ons that should contribute in some way to your physical effort. 7. New exercise clothes, or one size menorDisfruta the exercise clothing purchase process, select comfortable, coloured pieces that you like.