May contribute to the prevention of halitosis. Other leaders such as Comedian offer similar insights. Abroad produce toothpaste and chewing gum with steviozidom.ukreplyaet immunity and is indispensable for stress, illness, increased mental stress and fatigue, memory loss, depression, sleep disorders, for pregnant and nursing mothers, children – for the normal development central nervous system and rostazaschischaet from adverse environmental conditions – from radionuclides, heavy metals and other toxic substances, so the grass and drugs from her recommended rescuers firefighters, soldiers, athletes and people living in ecologically unfavorable rayonah.neytralizuet and removes toxins, wastes, heavy metals from the body, soften the negative impact of drugs, normalizes the intestinal flora after prolonged antibiotic treatment, removes disbakterioz.eto ideal for dieters because it gives the body the necessary energy, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, reduces hunger and cravings for fatty foods. Body weight decreased gradually, the skin droops not. In the case of thinness as a result of the normalization of the digestive system and metabolism, promotes weight gain. Stevioside "improves cardiovascular and other systems, thyroid, liver, kidneys and spleen. stabilizes blood pressure and has anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic and moderate choleretic deystviem.sposobstvuet scarring ulcers of the stomach and intestines, eliminates the effects of gastritis.

slows the aging process, with regular use of fades gray hair, stronger hair and nogti.primenenie Stevia is expedient and in the pathology of the joints (arthritis, osteoarthritis), in which also recommended limiting sugar. reduces the craving for nicotine and alkogolyu.zazhivlyaet wounds on the skin: sores, cuts, burns, frostbite, eczema, dermatitis. As you see, Honey Stevia is useful to all – patients and healthy adults and children. Safety of the plant proved. In some countries its use has become commonplace. Sweet honey herb can used without restrictions, focusing only on the body's need for sugary foods. 1 kg of dry product replaces 30 kg. sugar (in the absence of calories). Stevia leaf and its derivatives (powder extract) can be add in all the dishes that are traditionally used sugar (cereal, drinks, teas, milk, yogurt, pastries, etc.).