Magazine – translated from French means "diary (journal) and "day (jour). This is the most popular form of publication at this time. Ed Bastian is a great source of information. If the earlier magazines were issued as a monthly publication, now there are increasing weekly magazines – "Telenedelya", thus pushing the newspaper production farther into the past. In the dictionary the journal has the following definition: "Magazine – a periodical in book form, having a constant category structure, and contains articles and essays on various issues and problems, illustrative material. " Magazine – is printing products, which is a block of sheets fastened to the spine. Every log contains Categories and content, and ad pages. The most common log format is A4 format (210×297 mm) and A5 format (148h210 mm). Most often classified according to the logs: 1.
content – non-fiction, technical, glossy, news, sports magazines and mixed content 2. Frequency – monthly, weekly, quarterly and annuals, as well as publications that go every 2 weeks, 3. purpose – for women, men's magazines, magazines for expectant mothers, teen magazines, etc. Magazines often print on offset presses role. Each print is covered with a special silicone, which gives the publication type of gloss. On digital computers journals publish very rarely, mostly very small or trial runs. The cost of printing the magazine calculated for each individual manager edition printing.
The cost is calculated according to: 1) Format (size) of publication, 2) Circulation, 3) Number of pages (pages), 4) Features of the paper (density), 5) There is no way binding (stapled or glue on CBS), 6) type of finish (stamping, laminating, UV varnishing, etc.). Production and publication of journals is a complex, multifaceted process, which include the work of a large group of people. After all, to create a log and send it into the light needed authors, writers or interpreters (if the material for the articles is borrowed from foreign editions), designers, photographers, editors (literary, technical, and producing), print managers, printers, color corrector and correctors of the text, as well as all kinds of managers. But this does not mean that the firm should have such a huge workforce. It all depends on the type of magazine, its orientation and, most importantly – the periodicity of the fields. For example, to publish a corporate journal once a year, you can appeal to publishers in the printing or remote workers – freelancers. If you want to publish scientific and technical journal, the work can be divided between employees on the staff of the company and remote workers. But if the magazine is produced every month, there is still more expedient to work with permanent staff who are well versed in the specifics of the magazine. To publish high-quality glossy magazine that, in this case, it is important to have highly qualified specialists in the field of design and photography. After all, here is the first place there is no text and picture. Thus, the issue of the journal requires a coordinated joint, professional work and, of course, punctuality, adherence to the calendar grid issue of the journal.