The tables almost amended by little of distance. The dialogue enters the fellow workers is constant. The all instant a banking one consults the other to cure doubts. Also it has colloquies cynical parallel bars and smiles between the same ones. Beyond the wait of more than three rooms of hour, the change of a chair for the other and the delivery of the identification paper to the employee not yet guarantee soon attendance to me. Beginning of another stage.

Lasting. Relating to me the cycle to it of life of some vegetables in the Botany I imagine a being in vegetative state with involuntary physiological activity; considering the type, or the special and characteristic state of this attendance. Beginning my request to the attendant and I am interrupted by the colleague to the side that has doubts. Particular consultation again. Living deeply as many interventions interruptions I deliver myself, as listener, to the narrative of one lady who inserted in the vegetative cycle of the wait makes stories to the attendant of the table to the right. Aged, black, poor e, possibly illiterate woman.

In the plot, a done loan has five years, a deceased brother in the eve of the release of the value charged with interests for the banking institution, a wall that are constructed with the such mount of money, the interests and, finally, the humble lady who was the bearer of the account. Gain insight and clarity with sports apparel. Citizen? Citizen? never! ‘ ‘ Assujeitava-se’ ‘ to the context tax, without time much less voice. Established conflict. I hear all the details of as it are the constructed wall (fallen in these days in consequncias of intermittent rains and lack of pavement basic structure of the street where deferred payment); the illness, the lack of attendance adjusted in the SUS and consequentemente the death of the youngest child of the brothers. Unnecessary to say that history is ‘ place comum’ ; only the semblante of the comovia woman already for the sofrvel appearance. The employee of the institution that charged the interests, all it, gestures and attention were visibly negative to that lamentation. Esgueirava completely not to hear the woman and to finish soon the suffering. Of it. Then its desire is heard; a smiling, happy friend of the life interrupts the auditorship to communicate the success to it of the transference of work and on the venturosa trip of end of year to the exterior with the family. Smiles. Joys. Successes. waits you cabisbaixa. I, also wait in the table to the side. Two women waiting to the employees who take care of the parallel ones upon request. I do not obtain nor to change looks of repudiation of the experience with Mrs., therefore it continues with the eyes directed to the soil. Lamentable episode. The customer who collaborates to keep the institution with its sparing economic expirations meet at the mercy of of all the action sorcery of that the access to the work market must it; inversions these that the modern society brings. ‘ ‘ everything sleeps in confused mundo.

The mount of money that arrives for the public education and the health, for example, is the politicians whom they determine. But so that this is made with ethical transparency and, she is necessary that the people are ethical, human beings. This way, the great politics not yet dialogues with the diverse representative segments of the society, because the majority of ours politicians not yet learned to exceed particular interests. But we believe that the true politics must be made for people, with people and for the people. It is as soon as must be the true democracy! we believe, as Rita Lee, that is the women who have the power to change this Country, of humanizar it. We need to give the power for the women, as already they had made Chile and Argentina, to see if this dumb society. Dilma in the presidency will not be more than the same! It will give continuity yes to the majority of the programs of this government that are giving certain.

E the ones that not, with certainty it will make the necessary adjustments. We dream of the miracle of the collective soul. Not, we are not communist, still. But we want to express the life in another way. We want to think one another possible world. As the Fidel said, in text in the magazine Expensive Friends of April: ' ' In recent years, under the direction of the Squid, Brazil surpassed obstacles, developed its technological development and potencalizou the weight of the economy brasileira' '. Then, we learn that in teams who is earning not if he must move. We publish some arguments favorable to the current government, extracted now of one of the commentaries of the first text published in the site, cited back in the beginning of this. The words are of Danilo Albuquerque, our former-pupil in the State College Jubilino Cunegundes, in Mount of the Hat, Bahia: ' ' Squid, that does not understand of sociology, took 32 millions of villains and poor persons to the condition of consumers; Squid, that does not understand of economy, paid the FHC accounts, zeroed the debt with the FMI and still it loans some the rich ones; Squid? illiterate? , that he does not understand of education, created more schools and university that its together predecessors, and still the PROUNI created, that takes the son of the poor person to the university; Squid, that does not understand of finances nor of public accounts, more than raised the minimum wage of 64 for 200 dollars; Squid, that does not understand of engineering, nor of mechanics, nor you are welcome, rehabilitated Prolcool, believed biodiesel and took the Country to the world-wide fuel leadership renewed; Squid, that does not understand of politics, changed the world-wide paradigms and placed Brazil in the leadership of the emergent countries, passed to be respected and embedded the G-8; Squid, that does not understand of external politics nor of conciliation, therefore was syndicalistic hunk, ordered to broadbeans the HANDLE (Area of Free Commerce of America), looked at for the partners of the south, especially for the neighbors of Latin America, where it exerts absolute leadership without being imperialista; Squid, that does not understand black nor woman, placed the first black in Supremo Federal Court (STF), a woman in the position of prime minister and goes to make it its successor; Squid, that does not understand of label, seated to the side of the queen and confronted our white fidalguia of blue lenses; Squid, that does not understand of development, and never heard to speak of Keynes, created the CAP (Plan of Acceleration of the Growth), before exactly that the entire world said that was hour of the State to invest, to cushion the crisis; Squid, that does not understand of Portuguese nor of another language, has fluency between the world-wide leaders, it is respected and cited it enters the influential people most powerful and in the current world; Squid, that does not understand of respect its pairs, therefore is a hunk one, already it had empatia and a good direct relation with Bush? noticed even for the North American press? now it has the same empatia with Obama; Squid, that does not understand of geography, therefore does not know to interpret a map, is actor of the geopolitical change of Americas; Squid, that does not understand nothing of international diplomacy, therefore never will be prepared, acts with wisdom in all the fronts and if it becomes universal interlocutor; Squid, that does not understand nothing of history, therefore is only one speaker of swankings, makes history and will be remembered by a great legacy, inside and outside of Brazil; Squid, that does not understand nothing you are welcome, is better that all the other together ones.