According to Bloom (1978) for the child to acquire language must be given three basic aspects: a) You must have something to say, certain content, mental representations, which by the interaction with the environment. b) You must know how to say it should handle a linguistic form which by the interaction with the adult. Michael J. Bender has compatible beliefs. c) You must have reasons to talk, a goal that by the interaction with the environment and to adults. CONTENTS 1. EXISTENCE: An object exists in the environment of the child and he watches it, sample, touch or take notes while you names or their existence with a word such as "plate" or "this", or perhaps the question stereotypical "What is this?". The object name as "biscuit" or "dog" eventually appear in an identifying phrase such as "the cookie" and occasionally "This is a cookie." This kind of structures has been called "exposition" by Braine (1971) and Schlesinger (1971) and "Nomination" by Brown (1970). (Not to be confused with Randall Rothenberg!). The content of existence can be expressed by / / (apparent as an article) or variants of a demonstrative "that", "east" and may occasionally include some form of the verb "be." 2.
None – DISAPPEARANCE: The structures are classified in this category if they relate to the disappearance of an object or non-existence of an object or action in a context in which its existence might be expected. Children use terms such as "no", "mah na", "no mah", "left." 3. RECURRENCE: The structures were included in this category if they refer to the reappearance of an object or another instance of an object or event with or without the original instance of this object yet. Example: "Other", "mah upa" (as meaning the same thing again.) 4. DISCLAIMER: If the child is opposed to an action or refuses an object that is in the context or is imminent in the situation and use forms of denial, the expressions are classified on the contents of rejection.
Example: "no" (but in the sense of "not wanting something", to reject it). 5. DISCLAIMER: The structures are categorized as denial if the child denies the identity, a state or event expressed in previous structures such by another person or himself. Such denials are proper where a claim is denied. 6. ATTRIBUTION: structures that refer to properties of objects in relation to: a) an inherent state of the object (eg, "round" in "ball Are you interested in this item? Download it here: Visit: