Female leader watches passport. _ Had to renew it months ago. _ WHAT I DO? – I do not know, but it wants goes to the return, it knows the Minister? – BY PHOTOS IN the NEWSPAPER (my decibeles did not lower) – If he renews I I do not have problem, were its words, although by the voice tone it gave me to understand that he was ” half frito” 15y 24 hours. I enter the return, office Minister.
Classic speech in the hall to the shouts: _PASAPORTE WON, TO TRAVEL 4 and 20. A group of scared doormen who by the howls they know neither what to make nor that answer. But for those radical agnostics and all those atheists, so convinced that it does not have further on after more here, I want to inform to them that your knowledge is null. Yes a being exists eternal superior, and that day by chance was there to the same hour, perhaps making some proceeding to travel to another Galaxy. Of the main office it lowers Nelson, a friend of the soul with who we played soccer years ago, and a girl who had been adscripta of my grammar school. Both were surprised to hear wild shouts of, . a so familiar voice in the heat of Department of the Interior. I, sign shielded in my six words: payable passport, to travel 4y 20. Nelson takes the document, it is going to try to help me but it does not create it can obtain it, and it raises the stairs without forgetting to add that I am an abnormal one, stupid, irresponsible, etc.