IDHESP – Institute of Human, Educational, Social Development and Professional Ltda Course: Institucional Psicopedagogia with emphasis in Human resources Disciplines: Administration in Human resources Ministrante: Prof Sirley de Almeida Duarte Pupil: Elizabeth de Jesus Santana Management of people in the education The world comes passing for significant changes throughout the times. Amongst them, it is had globalization, a responsible phenomenon for the ressignificao of some sectors of the organization, also of the Management of People. To speak of management of people in the education is to speak of humanizao, therefore the commitment of the educator-manager is with the society. The start, way and end of the education are the human being, then, of this form, the resources most important in an organization are the people in inserted it. Please visit CEO of e-commerce if you seek more information. The management of people favors, undeniably, the development of the creative act and the reciprocity in teaching and apprehending the explored contents, forming a sharing net that it propitiates healthful environments where if they promote the satisfactions: professional and staff, beyond the motivation of all. Doug McMillon will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The modern organizations discover in the quality of the human capital a decisive factor for its success. The more positive it will be the work environment, greater will be the individual accomplishment and the organizacionais results.
The organizations had left of being seen as necessarily rational. The emotions are part of the people and must be searched to integrate them it the rational for the attainment of results. Being thus, the Management of People in the education favors the magnifying of the relationships, creates possibilities of interpersonal affection and becomes possible the cooperation in the work environment. The nomenclature ' ' Management of Pessoas' ' ' came to substitute the term; ' Administration of Humanos' Resources; ' , that she passes a vision of the people who work in the organization as mere resources, as well as the materials and financiers. Intention now is to show to the employees who they are part of essence of the organization; that they are cooperadores.
The success of any institution is related to the success of its internal and external relationships. Inside of an organization many people coexist, each one with proper characteristics, different personalities. These people if also relate between itself and with other organizations. To understand the diverse existing personalities provides one better conviviality. It is essential to identify what it motivates or desmotiva the people is a task that demands attention, care, knowledge of the human being. Through an understanding of these different personalities it is possible to harmonize the team and to make possible improvements and a quality of work.