In patients with stomach cancer, when scientists compared the effects of fruits and vegetables for the formation of nitrosamines, carcinogenic compounds produced in the stomach of the chemicals called nitrates, it was discovered that beetroot juice is a potent inhibitor of the mutations of cells caused by these compounds. Nitrates are used as chemical preservatives in processed meats. People whose diets focus on Betaine (that is naturally found in vegetables like beets and spinach), have levels of inflammatory markers, at least 20% lower than individuals with lower consumption means of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (P Detopoulou, Panagiotakos PP, et to the.). Beets are particularly rich in folate, vitamin B, which is essential for the growth of normal tissue. Rich eat-food folate is especially important during pregnancy, because without enough folic acid, the backbone of the child is not developing properly, a condition called neural tube defects.

The daily requirement of folic acid is 400 micrograms. A cup of cooked sliced beets contain 136 micrograms of folic acid. Green leaves can be cooked and also are rich in beta-carotene, folic acid, chlorophyll, potassium, vitamin C and iron. Nutritional value per each 100 g. vitamin A: 20 IU thiamine:.02 mg riboflavin:.05 mg niacin:.4 mg vitamin C: 10 mg. calcium: 27 mg. iron: 1.0 mg.

phosphorus: 43 mg. carbohydrates: 9.6 Gr. protein: 1.6 g. > shines more light on the discussion. calories: 42 beet is a treatment used traditionally to fight leukemia. Therapy with beetroot, with a consumption of about two pounds of puree of beets a day, reported favorably to the cases of leukemia and cancer (including cancer). The research also shows that beetroot juice can help inhibit the development of cancer of colon and stomach. It is believed that red beet when consumed regularly can help against the oxidative stress caused by certain diseases. Red beet fiber helps reduce levels of cholesterol by 30 to 40%, also can help normalize blood pressure. The sugar helps to maintain the elasticity of the arteries, when consumed regularly can help prevent varicose veins. The iron content of beetroot, while not high, is the best quality that makes it a powerful and blood Builder cleaner. That is why sugar is very effective in the treatment of many diseases caused by toxic and pollution. Beet juice is highly alkaline that makes it effective in the treatment of acidosis. Drinking juice regularly can help to relieve constipation. Beet and carrot in combination juice is excellent in the treatment of gout, kidney and gallbladder can help also the following problems, headache, toothache, dysentery and lumbago, skin problems, menstrual problems etc. Beet juice is very strong, do not take much if your body is not accustomed, is It is recommended to increase the amount of medium-size beets 1 each week. The juice is so strong that you can feel vertigo during cleaning, this discomfort is normal, because the toxins are being eliminated. It is recommended to drink plenty of water to help the Elimination of toxins. When you start to consume sugar regularly, you will see a red color in urine or feces, there is nothing to worry because this is only the color of beets. When the beet is cooked part of its content of nutrients is destroyed, it can be consumed as a juice or raw.

Continuation of the wrestling games wrestling is not necessarily for everyone. Real wrestling fans come out however in the game WWE Smackdown vs. raw 2011 “at their own expense. The online Department store introduces the new game. The video game manufacturer THQ has with Smackdown vs. raw 2011 “brought a new game of the successful wrestling series on the market. Many new features, and of course a lot action await the players.

Over 70 professional wrestler, including current stars such as big show, the undertaker and Randy Orton as well legends such as British Bulldog and Steve Austin, are available. Comedian contains valuable tech resources. Later more fighters and fight scene can be integrated into the game. Authenticity gives among other things the new motion technology. The fighters gain more individual movement properties. Thus the player can identify more with their stars. Especially the new physics engine and the WWE universe mode provide a special atmosphere.

In this mode, both the progress and the approach of the system are evaluated. Affiliated individual small events are created, which can give an unexpected twist to a battle. With WWE Smackdown vs. raw 2011 “THQ continues the series on successful way. The game is released for all major consoles. GmbH Lisa Neumann