Valera: " I go away with pena" On the other hand, Juan Valera, who will play next the four years in the Getafe, took leave mid-morning of the Athletic one with " pena" , because &quot has lived moments; very bonitos" , he gave his gratefulness to the liking, to its companions and to club and said that to play in the set azuln &quot is one; good oportunidad" for him. " It gives much pain me. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from ecommerce. I have spent many years here. There have been good moments, moments not so good, but I have decided to take this step. It is a good opportunity for me and to give thanks to all the people, to all the liking, the club and all the friendly that I leave. It has been a pleasure and I hope that to the Atleti it obtains all objetivos" , it affirmed.

Valera has remained five seasons in Athletic, the interrupted ones by a year of cession in the Racing of Santander, in 2008-09. Its arrival to the club rojiblanco was in 2005-06, coming from the Real Murcia. Now, it closes his stage in the organization with 99 disputed official encounter, 67 of titling, and five goals. " I arrived being very young and a club with the dimension that has the Atleti helps you to grow like person, to mature and here I have learned much. It is my house, where they have educated to me, where they have taught to me to be better player and then I only have words of agradecimiento" , it assured. " I have always trained like that more, always I have tried to give all better of me. Sometimes, the things leave to you either, sometimes do not leave to you so or, but concerning yield, to want to make the things or, to want to contribute your sand granite, I always have been at the disposal of the club and the club towards m" , it explained. " In that sense, I go away with the quite clean head and I go away with pain, because I leave to many good things and moments very tuna that I have lived in this club" , he continued the lateral one, that has raised two titles in the rows of the Athletic one: liga Europe and continental Supercopa, both gained in 2010. Source of the news: Turan burns already trains with Atltico and Valera takes leave

According to the Office of the public prosecutor, the number of those foreigners is lifted and sometimes they have gotten to occupy more than half of the places of the welcome centers, with the problems that the fact poses to be " mezclados" with minors and to use resources welfare and formative that is reserved these. The instruction notices that many countries have civil registries of doubtful reliability and emit passports from the mere manifestation on personal data, while in others, like the Ivory Coast, Ghana or Togo, does not register to the children with a name until passed several years, in which is reflected long to decide the one that agrees to him more. In the countries with which Spain does not have agreement agreements, the instruction establishes that there is to rely on the medical criteria to determine the age in the doubtful cases. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Randall Rothenberg. In those situations, circulating of the Office of the public prosecutor forces to initiate a protection investigation and to mention the minor to practice the corresponding radiological tests to him, including the ortopantomogrfica or radiographs of the set of teeth. The minor to have to be informed, in necessary case by means of interpreter, of the process and its consequences, but will be considered of legal age if she refuses to be put under the x-rays and being examined by the pathologist, whenever his aspect is the one of an adult, who the public prosecutor does not appreciate that &quot is a minor; contumaz or temeroso" and that are not other data in its file which they aim at the opposite. Source of the news: Catalonia will consider adults to smaller immigrants than they reject to pass tests of age.