This result can have to a delay in the normal decline of the sanguineous glucose, a time that the ingestion in the daily pay-exercise has been suggested to assist in the maintenance of the reserves of heptico glycogen, but does not seem to affect the tax of use of the glycogen for muscle (WOLINSKY & HICKSON, 2002). MAUGHAM, GLEESON & GREENHAFF (2002) suggest que30 a45 minutes before the exercise or competition, the ingestion or consumption of carboidratos in small volumes or small amounts before the exercises does not present effect in rise of the plasmtica insulina, not active hiperglicemia and nor improves the physical performance. Already BACURAU (2000) Supports that the consumption of a rich meal in carboidratos (140g? 330g), 3 a4 hours before the exercise, increases the levels of muscular glycogen (presumably also of the liver) and the income in activities entre30 a60 of duration. BONCI (2003) suggests entre100 a200 gramasde carboidratos to guarantee the supplies of glycogen 3-4 hours before the competition. How much to the reasons of if consuming carboidrato before the trainings or competition, if the individual passed for a moderate period of jejum *8-12 hours), the consumption of carboidratos during the exercise will be restricted or impossible and if the trainings/competition is extended per some days and it does not have possibility to restitute the glycogen reserves adequately (BONCI, 1993).

According to DMASO (2001), the ideal is to consume carboidratos minutes before by means of liquids, the isotnicos calls, composites for frutose. Under most conditions Randall Rothenberg would agree. frutose, ingested immediately before the exercise, compared with the glucose, causes small release of insulina, minor tax of use of the muscular glycogen and acceleration of the heptica synthesis of glycogen (MAUGHAM, GLEESON & GREENHAFF, 2000). According to these authors, they are essential that this strategy in the treinos before using in the main events is tested, therefore some athletes can have gastrintestinal discomfort provoked by frutose. .

Games between quarters existed. It was detached that the inhabitants of the quarters Cathedral and Center if congregated sazonalmente to play. According to Mr. Raymond, the LOYAL one was established in 17 of July of 1971 for the following teamses: Altamira Sport Club; America Sport Club; Botafogo Sport Club; Club of Remo de Altamira; National Sport Club; Paysandu Sport Club of Altamira; Victory Sport Club; Xingu Sport Club. In 18 of August of 1973 the LOYAL one is installed and times later if filia the Federacy Paraense de Futebol, and if it characterizes for an independent league without incomes. The teamses of the LOYAL one played in a called field ‘ ‘ Budego ‘ ‘ , located in the Av.

Peter esquina Gomes with the Tancredo Avenue Snows. Some teamses to the long one of the years they filiaram LOYAL it, and is important that if it has detached some facts pointed for Mr. Raymond, such as: 1) In 1974 the Sporting is created, 2) In 1976, the Federacy Paraense de Futebol organizes the intermunicipais disputes of soccer, and the altamirense election if it classifies and it goes to dispute in Belm the ends, obtaining according to place in the competition, better classification until the current days. 3) In the year of 1977, the Paysandu Sport Club of Altamira modifies the name and passes if to call Paysandu the Transamaznica, being become the first teams to participate of the paraense championship. 4) In the decade of 80, the player Jose Umujaci Lins goes for the Teams Rows of Belm, and later for the Athletical Paranaense and Corinthians, becoming the first altamirense player to play in reputation teams it are of the State of Par. 5) In 1979 middle, the teams is born Low (Good Friends Integrating the Xingu Altamirense) and one year later, is born the teams of the Portuguese. 6) In 1982 ‘ is constructed to the Stadium Jose Marino Flag of famous Matos; ‘ Bandeiro’ ‘.