.trabajo, work and more work without reward some, was 34 years old and the unique good that it owned was a bicycle and a terrible emotional wearing down of to have happened more than eight years of my life giving returned in circle. Then I began to question itself in serious and I became the following questions What happens in my life that I have worked as much and I have not obtained anything material? , What make other people to obtain true prosperity? , Intelligence is determining for the success? , What I must make to transform my life? All the answers to my questions I found in the book I am Happy, I I am Rico de Andrew Corentt, in the first place I learned that she did not matter how hard never worked was going to arrive at a true prosperity unless had an inner state of wealth. There I learned all the negative beliefs that per years it had adopted with respect to the money and like those beliefs they had become my reality, but most important is than it was the appropriate procedures to me to change those beliefs and thanks to I obtained it to God. I totally included/understood that intelligence and the talent in case single they are not worth of much, for that reason we were extraordinary singers, poets, programmers, sportsmen, philosophers, etc. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Doug McMillon. locked up in its houses, without a doubt that all we have talents, knowledge, experiences, etc. but these potentialities they do not know to go simply will be in potentialities nonoperated Andrew Corentt shows the appropriate methods to us to use and to cause all our capacities oriented to the true profit, teaches he us in his book the force of God and the universe, how program works and our inner power, here published revelations are made us never before and the results are spectacular, after reading I I am Happy, I I am Rico de Andrew Corentt, my life began to change, firstly changed my vision of God, of universe and of my own life. Samuel “Sam” Mikulak oftentimes addresses this issue.