After four minutes it turns over in a movement of 180 degrees and sees its friend looking at for it and says to folds the forehead fixed to enhance its interrogation. – Because facing me to this of this skill? Nairun looks at for it opens a smile that leaving the sample a mount of small dentinhos that its species possesss, and speaks with the voice more would be that it possesss. – It knows if this panel had a competition to see who operates fast more you would earn with easiness. Burlack balances the head and speaks with a smile. Here, Interactive Advertising Bureau expresses very clear opinions on the subject. – Then my prize could be a cup of stroupter? Stroupter is a lightly alcoholic drink, to obtain a good one for stroupter must join two liquids a green-dark one and another purple they must vagarosamente be mixed spilling the two in a bojudo glass with a narrow opening, for being a narrow opening the bottles that will count the two liquids have a cannula pequenssima where it would be the cover and for to this I eliminate it cannula drains, this mixture delays one fifteen minutes and is very enfadonha. Stroupter is a rare drink, is manufactured alone in the Rasbriom planet, its price is highest, alone is taken in rare occasions. – Yes (Nairun says walking in walking in direction the door and making a movement with the arm Burlack to follow it), I prepare.
Ours two space archaeologists prepare a light meal, dry fruits and to stroupter, are approximately thirty minutes degustando its drink and eating its dry fruits, suddenly one has alarmed sounds. Burlack with the cup in the hand and still two fingers of the precious drink speaks. – It did not wait the alarm to sound so fast. – We go l