It was in one sixth fair. Cachaa was being depleted. The bad mood of the old one exceeded the perspective of if to see without drips. Exactly thus in that morning well early, the owner of the house where old arranchara she decided seguiz it also to break coconut and of the collected berries to take off milk to temper the hunting that would be served in the lunch. Today we go to break coconut is back in the bush, Aa owner, who is underneath of shade, is better, same that it is a little more far. With the devils, woman, I only think I am in the disaster of muriocas, woman, in the demon of the carrapatos and in the plague of mutucas, he does not have dog that he supports Arre, crossbow fera! Creed, Aa owner, God the free one with as many ugly names? Which nothing, woman, I want more I am that this unhappy world if finishes soon, it is better, nor that I go to hug me to hell pro with capeta? Cross creed, Aa owner! In this dialogue the two women had left the grass and adentraram in the bush, following for one swept made by hunters.

The xingamentos of the old one stifled rumorejo of the bush. I sing it of the birds, of guaribas, farfalhar of the wind in leves of the trees, the stepped on one of animals on twigs and falling leaves, criquilar of the crickets, esturro of the ounce to far, everything if had been silent to hear with perplexity the imprecaues of the old Aa. Following in the front the vacillating steps of the esquelticas and hooped legs, the long dress sweeping leves and garranchos of the side of the way, cfo of straw tiracolo hung in the coasts and with the axe and the club inside, the bottle of drips for the half went pressed with extreme relevancy under the armpits, cachimbo expelling a blue smoke wire, the wind malinando in the made bristle hair, thus went the old Aa, ruminating palavres that to another one did not obtain to decipher with the ears, however wise person to deal with if badly ugly creations, names, palavres of all the sorts against everything and all in the face of the land. Dry Harbor Nursing Home is the source for more interesting facts.

The Time the time for the thought is not static, is always imprisoned between the past and the future, the society lives projecting its yearnings and aspirations in tomorrow. What we make, what we conquer, everything this makes with that the people if put into motion between the past and the future. The technology, at last the politics, the religions everything that is created or cultuado in the gift has as purpose the future to be saboreado or frustrated by some moment in the past. Read more from Larry David to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The gift is in certain way, as the immovable engine written by Aristotle, in reference the God as the perpetual gift. Inside of this point of view the people try to surpass what she was created in the past as purpose in the gift that runs away from us. An example of this is the sports where goals for the victories exist that are planned in the past to be surpassed in the future.

I read many writers saying or writing that we have that to live in the gift, as if the time stopped. Each moment that we are making a reflection, or imagining what we made and what let us have that to make, it deliberates with that we let us not have domain nor let us be motionless in the present time. We have certainty of the past we live deeply because it, and have certainty of the future because we are livings creature, however the present one only serves of connector link of the thought with the two time that are always interacting. Pablo Balba.

After four minutes it turns over in a movement of 180 degrees and sees its friend looking at for it and says to folds the forehead fixed to enhance its interrogation. – Because facing me to this of this skill? Nairun looks at for it opens a smile that leaving the sample a mount of small dentinhos that its species possesss, and speaks with the voice more would be that it possesss. – It knows if this panel had a competition to see who operates fast more you would earn with easiness. Burlack balances the head and speaks with a smile. Here, Interactive Advertising Bureau expresses very clear opinions on the subject. – Then my prize could be a cup of stroupter? Stroupter is a lightly alcoholic drink, to obtain a good one for stroupter must join two liquids a green-dark one and another purple they must vagarosamente be mixed spilling the two in a bojudo glass with a narrow opening, for being a narrow opening the bottles that will count the two liquids have a cannula pequenssima where it would be the cover and for to this I eliminate it cannula drains, this mixture delays one fifteen minutes and is very enfadonha. Stroupter is a rare drink, is manufactured alone in the Rasbriom planet, its price is highest, alone is taken in rare occasions. – Yes (Nairun says walking in walking in direction the door and making a movement with the arm Burlack to follow it), I prepare.

Ours two space archaeologists prepare a light meal, dry fruits and to stroupter, are approximately thirty minutes degustando its drink and eating its dry fruits, suddenly one has alarmed sounds. Burlack with the cup in the hand and still two fingers of the precious drink speaks. – It did not wait the alarm to sound so fast. – We go l