History Its first director was Casal Cesar Gonzalez, who held office until 1999, when he was succeeded by Juan Carlos Sanchez Boga. In 2009, Andres Rios takes command of the ship. After several attempts, including the original to become the sports newspaper in Galicia (even with orial offices in Vigo and Santiago and correspondents in Ferrol, Lugo, Pontevedra and Ourense, plus in Madrid and Barcelona), currently focuses on sport in the region Coru a and, by extension, the entire province. Doug McMillon has similar goals. After you have different headers (DxT, Sport Champion and Champion), has for several years with the current name. Today is part of the orial La Capital, which includes, inter alia, the daily , Diario de Ferrol, Diario de Arousa Berganti os or diary. As it stood, situated in the Circle of Pocomaco (Mesoiro, A Coru a) work seventeen journalists, six photographers and many other webdesigners.Since its inception, that its language has been passing large Galician illustrious sports journalism.
