For cities, the best were the visited in Bilbao, they receive a fine, followed by A Coruna, Barcelona, Cordoba, Granada, Madrid, Murcia, San Sebastian and Vitoria, with a well. Acceptable are the libraries discussed in Cadiz, Malaga, Oviedo, Seville, Valencia and Valladolid. The dropout, although with a regular, went to the examined in Alicante, Pamplona and Zaragoza. Traditional places of consultation and loan of books have evolved to become modern information, culture and education centers with points of auto-prestamo, exhibition halls and consultation of Internet, but deficiencies persist in their staffing that justify the acceptable poor who have retrieved from note average 100 libraries studied. No personal study rooms were found in one of every four and only three out of ten offered group study rooms.

In addition, 27% of libraries lacked wifi zone, 17 per cent did not have computer rooms with Internet access and only 22% of them had points of auto-prestamo, as well as complimentary tickets to the users. In addition, another very useful service, the fotocopisteria, found only in two of every three libraries. 40% Jobs not found for viewing video or audio files. However, eight out of ten had Yes video library, fonoteca or newspaper. Regarding the processing of the meat of user libraries, it was found that 99 of the 100 centres compared the identification card was free. However, only in the half of the centres the meat was delivered at the time.

In two of every three libraries don’t need to renew that document (including Yes so request, the most common is that the period of validity is five years). Already with the meat in your hand, the user can, among other possibilities, reserve a few minutes to surf the Internet at the points provided for this purpose. So almost half of the libraries that had this option.

For the children and adolescents, the references are people, words, gestures that will go to provide the formation of the identity. Therefore, children and young that establish bonds of harmony at its moments of disillusionments, and that they can receive affection, attention and understanding will go to develop one healthy identity, obtaining to support frustrations until the adjusted moment to carry through its desires. Defining school as a social institution that if characterizes as a collective workstation directed toward the formation of the young generations, different of others as many social institutions, are evidenced that the school is responsible for the pertaining to school education, are a space destined to the formal pedagogical work, to the agreement of rules, to the formation of ethical, moral and affective values, to the exercise of the citizenship. However, how much it lacks educating/to the son a familiar environment healthful and balanced, in which it coexists a familiar desestrutura (father absence, of mother), it is left to take for the impulse in direction of the irresponsibility or inconseqncia, being thus generated inadequate actions and insensatas that will go to disorganize and to harm the formation of its character and its personality. When the school is unprepared in such a way in its functional picture, as well as not it fulfills its social paper in the formation of educating, is verified that individuals discouraged have themselves from this pedagogical pertaining to school disinterest/and incapable to continue in search of its place in the society.

Thus generating, not motivated pupils, indisciplinados and with low auto-esteem. As Montandon and Perrenoud say (1987, P. 7), ' ' in a way or discrete, pleasant or threatening other, onipresente or, the school is part of the daily life of each famlia' '. At the moment where school and family to obtain to establish a partnership in the way as children will go to promote the education of its educandos/, many of the conflicts today observed in classroom, will be to the few surpassed.