In addition, the boy in the forest seems to be in good physical shape and shows no signs of violence except for a small scar. Those who have spent time with him say that it is a friendly person that knows how to use cutlery, showering and enjoys playing bowling and watching television, according to the Daily Mail reveals. Now, Ray location is kept secret to scare away journalists while he is interviewed by the police, psychologists and experts in languages that they try to solve the riddle of their origin. Trauma, amnesia or invented fantasy La Interpol, the largest international police organization, it investigates if the young man or his father are on the list of missing persons from the United Kingdom or any other country. The German authorities know that the version given by the mysterious Ray can be a fantasy invented after having fled from home but will continue investigating until they find out the truth.

It is possible for example that He has suffered a trauma that has led him to adopt the identity of the boy in the forest. Psychologists call it a dissociative Fugue, the syndrome suffered by persons who a day embark on a journey and later found in a generally distant place, without remembering how they came, nor exactly who they are. The psychologist of the Humbolt University, Jaap Denisissen, does not rule out that you can treat of some kind of amnesia, after which the teenager began to invent stories that includes his father because perhaps this has some involvement in his loss of memory. Experts, police and journalists are still trying to solve the mystery of the boy in the forest, while no one knows what goes through the mind of the thoughtful Ray. Source of the news: the enigma of the boy who lived for five years in a forest: invention, trauma or amnesia?

The mount of money that arrives for the public education and the health, for example, is the politicians whom they determine. But so that this is made with ethical transparency and, she is necessary that the people are ethical, human beings. This way, the great politics not yet dialogues with the diverse representative segments of the society, because the majority of ours politicians not yet learned to exceed particular interests. But we believe that the true politics must be made for people, with people and for the people. It is as soon as must be the true democracy! we believe, as Rita Lee, that is the women who have the power to change this Country, of humanizar it. We need to give the power for the women, as already they had made Chile and Argentina, to see if this dumb society. Dilma in the presidency will not be more than the same! It will give continuity yes to the majority of the programs of this government that are giving certain.

E the ones that not, with certainty it will make the necessary adjustments. We dream of the miracle of the collective soul. Not, we are not communist, still. But we want to express the life in another way. We want to think one another possible world. As the Fidel said, in text in the magazine Expensive Friends of April: ' ' In recent years, under the direction of the Squid, Brazil surpassed obstacles, developed its technological development and potencalizou the weight of the economy brasileira' '. Then, we learn that in teams who is earning not if he must move. We publish some arguments favorable to the current government, extracted now of one of the commentaries of the first text published in the site, cited back in the beginning of this. The words are of Danilo Albuquerque, our former-pupil in the State College Jubilino Cunegundes, in Mount of the Hat, Bahia: ' ' Squid, that does not understand of sociology, took 32 millions of villains and poor persons to the condition of consumers; Squid, that does not understand of economy, paid the FHC accounts, zeroed the debt with the FMI and still it loans some the rich ones; Squid? illiterate? , that he does not understand of education, created more schools and university that its together predecessors, and still the PROUNI created, that takes the son of the poor person to the university; Squid, that does not understand of finances nor of public accounts, more than raised the minimum wage of 64 for 200 dollars; Squid, that does not understand of engineering, nor of mechanics, nor you are welcome, rehabilitated Prolcool, believed biodiesel and took the Country to the world-wide fuel leadership renewed; Squid, that does not understand of politics, changed the world-wide paradigms and placed Brazil in the leadership of the emergent countries, passed to be respected and embedded the G-8; Squid, that does not understand of external politics nor of conciliation, therefore was syndicalistic hunk, ordered to broadbeans the HANDLE (Area of Free Commerce of America), looked at for the partners of the south, especially for the neighbors of Latin America, where it exerts absolute leadership without being imperialista; Squid, that does not understand black nor woman, placed the first black in Supremo Federal Court (STF), a woman in the position of prime minister and goes to make it its successor; Squid, that does not understand of label, seated to the side of the queen and confronted our white fidalguia of blue lenses; Squid, that does not understand of development, and never heard to speak of Keynes, created the CAP (Plan of Acceleration of the Growth), before exactly that the entire world said that was hour of the State to invest, to cushion the crisis; Squid, that does not understand of Portuguese nor of another language, has fluency between the world-wide leaders, it is respected and cited it enters the influential people most powerful and in the current world; Squid, that does not understand of respect its pairs, therefore is a hunk one, already it had empatia and a good direct relation with Bush? noticed even for the North American press? now it has the same empatia with Obama; Squid, that does not understand of geography, therefore does not know to interpret a map, is actor of the geopolitical change of Americas; Squid, that does not understand nothing of international diplomacy, therefore never will be prepared, acts with wisdom in all the fronts and if it becomes universal interlocutor; Squid, that does not understand nothing of history, therefore is only one speaker of swankings, makes history and will be remembered by a great legacy, inside and outside of Brazil; Squid, that does not understand nothing you are welcome, is better that all the other together ones.

Explanar the situation of the Education of Young and Adults in the Brazilian scene contextualizando the perspectives, reflections and challenges faced for this modality of education, in the direction to search the construction of the identity and adult young autonomy of much e. 3. METHOD to reach the objective considered in the article was opted to a methodology of qualitative bibliographical matrix which had the study to consist of presenting the definitions, aspects and concepts on the EJA, in view of the possibility to understand as the educative action a teach-learning based on its daily one would have to be come back toward the compression of the life of the educandos with intention to fortify the education of the adults constructing, in its problems and as to understand them and to surpass them. It is appealed in this study to the thoughts of FREIRE (1980/1996/2002), ARROYO (2001), MOURA (1999/2004), ARBACHE (2001), Law of Lines of direction and Bases n. 9.394/96 and amongst that they reflect on the thematic one. According to Lakatos and Marconi (1991, p.12) on the bibliographical survey: ‘ ‘ it offers ways to define, to not only decide known problems already, as well as to explore new areas where the problems are not characterized enough, providing the examination of a new subject under enfoque.’ ‘ Ahead of this, the boarding of the bibliographical research is qualitative, therefore it elucidates questions that cannot be evaluated of quantitative form and thus in this type of study the researcher becomes involved itself in participativo way of the reality, with sights its understanding interpretation. ‘ ‘ The qualitative boarding in turn, can be defined as come back toward data that are produced by the interpersonal interactions, proceeding from the co-participation of the situations where the informers are involved, looking the researcher to analyze them from the set of significaes that these attribute to its atos.’ ‘ (CHIZZOTI, 2001, p.97).