' OF SET CEAR TO THE PAPICU: A GEOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS ON THE TERMINALS OF FORTALEZA.&#039 BUS; ' AUTHOR: Jose Walacy Rasps Lopes C-AUTOR: Ledervan Vieira Caz UFC. – Federal University of the Cear. Department of Geography – Campus of the Pici – Block – 911 CEP 60455-760 – Copyright 2010. $fortaleza? CE. Phone: +55 (85) 3366-9855/Fax: +55 (85) 3366-9864. Email:.

SUMMARY: This article has the purpose to analyze the transformation geographically space-functionary that if becomes effective and evident in the terminals of bus of $fortaleza-CE (Terminals of Integration of Collective). Its peculiarities as spaces that had become propitious the most changeable activities having thus modified its functional dynamics throughout the historical process; since its inauguration until the present time as multifaceted space where diverse agents also act in what she concerns its space reproduction, functional, social politics and. ABSTRACT: This article aims you analyze the transformation geographically-functional space that becomes evident in current and bus terminals in $fortaleza-CE. Peculiarities such spaces that have become lives amenable you the functional variable activities thereby modifying its dynamics along the historical process, since its inception you the present the multifunctional a space where many agents act also regards its spatial reproduction, functional, social and political. Words Keys: Public transport; Terminals of bus; Form, Function and Process; Territorialities. ' ' they _Quem madruga early, does not catch bus lotado.' ' (Unknown Author) 1.' ' The Collective Space of coletivos.' ' At the beginning, 1991, when the Integrated System of Transport of $fortaleza (SITFOR) was thought, were cogitated in the possibility of the creation of public spaces, where determined line number of collective they would have to converge and to interact, forming an environment of ticket and exchange of conduction on the part of who it was carried by these collective ones. The initial idea was the formation of places where buses left the passengers so that these could continue its trips without having that to pay to another ticket catching another bus, constituting a facilitadora net of transports of the displacement of the city.