A person is enough to remember such influence to understand for which reasons differently interprets one same fact or situation. Ahead of this, valley to stand out that I chose this subject, for working with disciplines geography in 5 series (6 year) has four years, with different levels of age and learning, where I could observe the great difficulty that some pupils feel in the process of learning of geography, and also for many times to hear pupils to complain on disciplines. Checking article sources yields olympics as a relevant resource throughout. Thus this study was postponed, whose main objective was to investigate the main causes and factors that make it difficult the teach-learning of this disciplines that it has favored a tax considered of abandonment and reprovao, fact that was evidenced in the questionnaire and interview involving the problematic one, perceives a great challenge to provide to the pupils one better learning in geography. The project was developed through a study of case with the pupils of three groups of 5 series of the School Jose Luiz Claude, located in the city of They are Domingos of the Araguaia, and occurred in two stages. In the first one a questionnaire for spoon given related to the difficulties faced for some pupils in the process was made education geography learning. In Second stage I more chose six pupils of the three groups that more if detected problems, for a deepened recorded interview, for better agreement of the problems that intervene with the learning of discipline.

Ahead of this, some problems had been evidenced that will be explored in elapsing of the study. This work is organized in three chapters: being that the first one makes a boarding on the geography education, making a trajectory on its evolution, as it was introduced in Brazil; the influence of French Geography in Brazilian education and the renewal of pertaining to school geography in Brazil, that was basic for consolidation of the same one. As the chapter approaches as it is being the education of geography today, and its main characteristics in the current schools, also characterizing the difficulties in this and what must be made to have a quality education and to become geography most useful in the construction of the knowledge. In the third last chapter and, it of the research in view of its objective is characterized problematic, analyzing characteristic citizens of the place in which the research was carried through. The main causes are presented that come affecting in the learning of geography. Also presenting some suggestions of activities to be worked with pupils of 5 series (6 year) not leaving to strengthen the formation of the professor as main factor of changes to improve the development of it disciplines.

' OF SET CEAR TO THE PAPICU: A GEOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS ON THE TERMINALS OF FORTALEZA.&#039 BUS; ' AUTHOR: Jose Walacy Rasps Lopes C-AUTOR: Ledervan Vieira Caz UFC. – Federal University of the Cear. Department of Geography – Campus of the Pici – Block – 911 CEP 60455-760 – Copyright 2010. $fortaleza? CE. Phone: +55 (85) 3366-9855/Fax: +55 (85) 3366-9864. Email:.

SUMMARY: This article has the purpose to analyze the transformation geographically space-functionary that if becomes effective and evident in the terminals of bus of $fortaleza-CE (Terminals of Integration of Collective). Its peculiarities as spaces that had become propitious the most changeable activities having thus modified its functional dynamics throughout the historical process; since its inauguration until the present time as multifaceted space where diverse agents also act in what she concerns its space reproduction, functional, social politics and. ABSTRACT: This article aims you analyze the transformation geographically-functional space that becomes evident in current and bus terminals in $fortaleza-CE. Peculiarities such spaces that have become lives amenable you the functional variable activities thereby modifying its dynamics along the historical process, since its inception you the present the multifunctional a space where many agents act also regards its spatial reproduction, functional, social and political. Words Keys: Public transport; Terminals of bus; Form, Function and Process; Territorialities. ' ' they _Quem madruga early, does not catch bus lotado.' ' (Unknown Author) 1.' ' The Collective Space of coletivos.' ' At the beginning, 1991, when the Integrated System of Transport of $fortaleza (SITFOR) was thought, were cogitated in the possibility of the creation of public spaces, where determined line number of collective they would have to converge and to interact, forming an environment of ticket and exchange of conduction on the part of who it was carried by these collective ones. The initial idea was the formation of places where buses left the passengers so that these could continue its trips without having that to pay to another ticket catching another bus, constituting a facilitadora net of transports of the displacement of the city.

The technology that more is applied to the study in question is the Gerenciador System of data base (SGBD). 5. The GEOGRAPHY OF the TRANSPORTS Currently is impensvel the lack of the net of transports for the development of the modern life. The transport, in general, is part of our daily rhythm of life. Due to complexity where if it inserts, the subject is point of studies in some areas of the knowledge, for if to deal with a phenomenon of social relations, is thematic an inserted one in the multidisciplinaridade. Certainly the phenomenon of the transports, boarded either for economic, social, cultural, historical the perspective, etc., cannot and nor it must be dissociated of a territorial context. The importance that the systems of transports assume in the contemporaneidade, when making possible the connection and the mobility of some territorially dispersed attributes, becomes thematic the emergent one in the geographic quarrels, because the analysis of the phenomena, localization and its distribution for the terrestrial surface, constitutes one of the basic concerns of Geography.

Such analyses would not be different in if treating of the transports. 6. Seen DEVELOPMENT the application of the detailed methodology previously, proceeded it elaboration from the maps of the space distribution of the road accidents involving the transport of dangerous chemical products occurred in the state of Minas Gerais, in the years of 2006 the 2009, presented to follow. We elaborate maps for each studied year, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. Where we identify in each one the cities where the accidents, the type of accident and the involved dangerous chemical product had occurred. It is standed out that these had consisted of the main base for the analyses that if follow. 6.1. Analysis of the 2006 occurrences Analyzing the 2006 map, was possible to identify that amongst the twelve accidents, these had occurred in the cities of Belo Horizonte, High Fields, Juiz De Fora, New Bridge, Carmo of the Waterfall, Caranda, Three Hearts, Molevade Joo, River Rind, Leopoldina, Uberada and Maripa of Mines Is emphasized that the twelve occurrences of accidents involving the road transport of dangerous chemical products had happened in different cities, not having concentration of the occurrences for city, only for region.

Practical the traditional one of education was spread out being possible to find its vestiges in the current society when proper geographic science already passed for deep modifications. The roots of this period if reflect in the classroom of today, where it seems to be one disciplines of little importance for the pupils that stops passing, is only necessary to memorize, this finishes for distanciar the geography of the reality, that is its main paper being at the hands of few its true meaning, Castrogiovanni says that: Many still believe that Geography is one disciplines uninteresting and disinterested, element of a culture that needs the memory to hold back names of rivers, regions, countries, altitudes, etc. In this first decade of century XXI Geography more than what never it places human beings in the center of the concerns therefore can also be considered as a reflection on that they withhold its knowledge. (CASTROGIOVANNI, 2007, p.42) Inside of this context the disinterest of the pupils in studying appears and to learn thus considers cabvel the origin of the desmotivao of the pupils the proper lesson of Geography, that in many cases does not possess the paper to insert the pupil in the contents through its experiences and of the dialogue. We need professors of geography with knowledge, that folloies the changes, bringing transformations for the reality of the classroom, so that this happens is necessary to finish with the banking education in Ensino of in agreement Geography (Freire, 1987); in this education the professor deposits knowledge in educating that they memorize and mere they repeat in the tests.