Last-minute penalty Eduardo Galeano: "The years have passed, and eventually I ended up taking my identity: I am a beggar of good football. I'm going for the world, hat in hand, and beg stages: a beautiful jugadita, for God's sake. And when good soccer happens, I thank the miracle but I care a damn what the club or the country that offers it. " That day the sun poured its bright light on the yellow sand of the unpaved streets in our town hick semi-desert. I had no way to measure the temperature but the beads of sweat on our young faces showed that the temperature was as high as you sit down to two meters away from a fire kindled with dry leaves all around the world. That day the selection of the Guajira playing local parties and their disputed on what our leaders used to call in an excessive and disproportionate use of language, "Municipal Stadium." In those days it was called San Jose stadium also in honor of the town's patron saint. I do not think you have been asked permit the holy carpenter because surely had refused to allow his name to be used to name a stadium full of stone and glass surrounded by an ancient wall of a meter in height. In any event there in that pasture old, large, neglected and wanted to be playing the most important games of the season and faced that day against our glorious selection of Sucre.
Tag: poetry and stories
When on 15 October 2008, I opened my eyes, was a Wednesday either, the world continued to live and Cieloa even the stars were shivering, panting lagrimasa even cried in the rows closest to the candles, the world did not cared about my pain, Dr. Eusebio Palomino, my anesthesiologist, had already retired, while I slowly opened my eyes and my eyes watched the mist on the new road, behind only had amnesiaa the front gave analgesia, confusion reigned, seconds and more seconds passed and I preguntabaa And who am I?, And where am I?, kept passing minutes more minutes and kept asking yQue matter?, could see little, people dressed in green who was moving from side to side and I atendiana every second, every minute I was getting my concienciaa when the drugs are metabolized and recovered plenamentea I screamed and wanted to sit, ran to auxiliarmea Tranquilo Miguel! … Tranquilo! … Paquita and Marlene, were next to me, yQuienes are? a "thought-a Ysera angels? .. Ysera Virgin? … and Marujita And where is he? … clumsily walking hand in hand with silence and fear, the nurses I spoke with great tenderness and told me to unisonoa Ahola Miguel Welcome! … I must have smiled, for I am an educated person, but yQue looking for? – asked me, "because I turned my head to all sides of this room of glass, there I found my old friends, was the Multi Parameter Monitor, Pulse-Oximeter, the venipuncture, central catheters, tubes, drains, dressings but still desperately seeking yQue looking for? a ASeek A Clock! …