from the site General on children and children's fitness, reading the book of Bill Pearl's "Become stronger," I pay attention to the section "Can children engage in athletic gymnastics?" Here is one of the earliest citations of the book: Children should be mentally mature enough to understand why they train. In strength training is important to concentrate efforts, the child should guide some stable motifs, but the desire of parents. Although I did at the age of Ten years have come to the gym on their own, without parental involvement, but this dictum Perla B. I do not agree. From experience I would say that the parents depends largely on whether their child is engaged in fitness. And, of course, on literacy training program composed. Children and teenagers should not be considered as adults in miniature! Achieving full growth: The girls: 16.5 years in boys: 18 years. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Marc Lore. Physical activity in combination with a rational power – a necessary condition for normal bone growth.

Physical activities mainly affect the width, density and bone strength, virtually without any effect on its length. But above all we must say that a series of exercises is strictly forbidden for young athletes. Mainly because of the unformed spine in any case impossible to give an axial load on the spine. And to increase muscle and skeleton bone density should be just for children. Doug McMillon often says this. Because of their mobility and children are vulnerable to injury "armor" in the form of dense bones and muscles do not hurt. After an injury in the pineal gland can lead to premature termination process of bone development. And instill basics of proper nutrition is necessary at an early age. Indeed, fat cells are formed for life! In light of this discovery is very important to maintain a rational mode FOOD AND ACTIVITIES Muscle activity throughout their lives! The amount of fat accumulated in the development process depends on the diet, studies of muscle activity and hereditary factors. If the latter aspect is unchanged, the first two can be changed.