The technology that more is applied to the study in question is the Gerenciador System of data base (SGBD). 5. The GEOGRAPHY OF the TRANSPORTS Currently is impensvel the lack of the net of transports for the development of the modern life. The transport, in general, is part of our daily rhythm of life. Due to complexity where if it inserts, the subject is point of studies in some areas of the knowledge, for if to deal with a phenomenon of social relations, is thematic an inserted one in the multidisciplinaridade. Certainly the phenomenon of the transports, boarded either for economic, social, cultural, historical the perspective, etc., cannot and nor it must be dissociated of a territorial context. The importance that the systems of transports assume in the contemporaneidade, when making possible the connection and the mobility of some territorially dispersed attributes, becomes thematic the emergent one in the geographic quarrels, because the analysis of the phenomena, localization and its distribution for the terrestrial surface, constitutes one of the basic concerns of Geography.

Such analyses would not be different in if treating of the transports. 6. Seen DEVELOPMENT the application of the detailed methodology previously, proceeded it elaboration from the maps of the space distribution of the road accidents involving the transport of dangerous chemical products occurred in the state of Minas Gerais, in the years of 2006 the 2009, presented to follow. We elaborate maps for each studied year, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. Where we identify in each one the cities where the accidents, the type of accident and the involved dangerous chemical product had occurred. It is standed out that these had consisted of the main base for the analyses that if follow. 6.1. Analysis of the 2006 occurrences Analyzing the 2006 map, was possible to identify that amongst the twelve accidents, these had occurred in the cities of Belo Horizonte, High Fields, Juiz De Fora, New Bridge, Carmo of the Waterfall, Caranda, Three Hearts, Molevade Joo, River Rind, Leopoldina, Uberada and Maripa of Mines Is emphasized that the twelve occurrences of accidents involving the road transport of dangerous chemical products had happened in different cities, not having concentration of the occurrences for city, only for region.

… A text never exists alone, but for reference, opposition or contribution to other texts, in which it more than opens a dialogue in the times implicit. It is read, then, in two levels: of point of view that tries to elaborate – from the experience with that it works – and in the universe where this point of view if inserts (FOUCAMBERT, 1997, p.106 and 111). In the truth, in if treating to school, all they know and they learn to read, but it has a very great gamma of possibilities of readings. Therefore, she is necessary, to the professor, to have clearly that reading if waits that pupil knows. In this direction, the theory of the reception, that values the paper of the reader as party to suit of production of the workmanship, comes to contribute for one better agreement of what it is reading, especially reading of the literary text.

Considered the most recent manifestation of the hermeneutics study of the meaning of the text, the theory of the reception opposes it German Gadamer, hermeneuta, a time that it does not concentrate itself in studying only workmanships of the past. The aesthetic one of the reception of the great importance for the paper of the reader in literature, as already was said before. It considers that reading and author is equally important, therefore the text alone has literary value for the significao who is attributed to it by the reader, with the practical one of the reading. For the theory of the reception the act of the reading if of the one in a dynamic process in which the reader has its horizon of expectations exactly modified when this is reaffirmed: … The reading is not gradual a linear movement, a question mere cumulative: our initial speculations generate a picture of references for the interpretation of what it comes to follow, …

This present work was carried through through a made bibliographical research in disciplines of Topics of Education and Evaluation in the course of Licenciatura in Physical Education of the Integrated College of Great $fortaleza FGF. Had this it disciplines to possess a great matrix of referring theoretical content to the inserted systems of evaluation in Brazil, saw it necessity to search on such subject and to extract the maximum of possible information for the understanding, interpretation and reflection of the same. Thus, in this work emphasis was given to the known system of evaluation as Pertaining to school Census which is references for the too much systems of evaluations of the Basic Education as IDEB, SAEB, ENCCEJA and CAME BRAZIL. The Pertaining to school Census is annually carried through by the National Institute of Studies and Educational Research Ansio Teixeira INEP with the contribution of the city departments and state of education and participation of all the public and private schools of the country. The data are collected and envoy in the last Wednesday of the month of May for the system online EDUCACENSO, being most excellent and brangente statistical survey on the Brazilian basic education.

The collected data constitute the most complete source of information used by the Ministry of the Education that has as objective: to formulate public politics for the good performance of the programs and to define the criteria for the supplementary performance of the MEC to the schools, states and cities; To subsidize the calculation of pointers as the Index of Development of the Basic Education IDEB that it serves of reference for the goals of the Plan of Development of the Education PDE; To distribute efficiently some public resources as: merenda pertaining to school, distributed and returned didactic books, uniform, pertaining to school transport. It is a system of so important evaluation that agencies world-wide as UNICEF and UNESCO they use its posterior data for studies and research. This system evaluates if the schools have Internet at least broad band with speed of 1GB, numbers of school registrations for turn, number of school registrations for series, number of reprovaes and approvals for discipline, number of evasions, number of professors, number of medical licenses, infrastructure, among others. OBJECTIVE: To define, to understand, to interpret and to reflect on the main objectives and forms of accomplishment of the system of evaluation of the basic education Pertaining to school Census. METHODOLOGY: A Bibliographical Research for the attainment of the answers referring to our general objective was carried through. The gotten data had been presented in seminary in the proper college for pupils of discipline related and evaluated for the teaching Teacher Master Rosane de Almeida Andrade. A punctuation will be attributed that will serve to compose the note of the GQ1. CONCLUSION: At last, the Pertaining to school Census is a system of evaluation developed for the MEC INEP, that through its results it looks to extend one better promotion of the quality of education in the Brazilian basic education. This system also is applied with Brazilians who live in Japan. from this year to leave of being a pointer for sampling and passes to be carried through with all the schools and pupils of Brazil.