The fact to arrive until there was a great audacity already only via Lrida, Saragossa and Toledo; and as in addition it came out to them well, one remembered with pride during all the youth of written a biography my. The Catalans could think that they were more powerful, in spite of being less refinings, and about certain way rather worse disorganized, than the troops to who they defeated. So many successes possibly also they trastocaban, like when expeditionary sayings were overcome in the neighborhoods of Gibraltar, dying in that one battle count Ermengol de Urgel and the bishops of Barcelona and Gerona. Each count Ermengol de Urgel wanted to be buried in cripta of the church of Solsona, which inexplicably still follows sealed (). That one warlike culture, and the political shades of the later period had to learn, it before Arnau de Torroja its brother greater Guillermo, as much before as after being bishop of Barcelona. Guillermo would inform into everything to the Arnau young person during his stays in Solsona, that in spite of its youth, without a doubt had to interest and knew to him much of the importance of certain sociopolitical strategies.

For example, which happened that the king of Castile, Alfonso VII, wished to dominate the capital of the Ebro river, tried to avoid with all reunited forces the counts of Barcelona and Urgel, this one last one because in addition it showed then the title of Marquess of Saragossa. If the Castilian took the place to borders from the Ebro, were certainly later tabin with Lrida and Tortosa would be made, that also were in the power of the Muslims. First in giving protection to Aragonese king Ramiro, it was Pedro Rovira, a master of the orders of Sion and of Temple, that by the way preceded to Arnau de Torroja in the position of Master of Wins and all the Hispanic earth (1143).