The positions of Provincial Master in Corona Catalano-Aragonese from 1159 were successively: Hugo of Barcelona, happening to him in 1163 Hugues de Geoffrey. In 1166 Arnau de Torroja was named, being in both following years that the Aragonese templarios participate definitively in the conquests of the Mediterranean coast, like in Caspe and Alfambra, castle this one that in 1170 would be donated to them. Greater benefit represented the concession to them of its independence with respect to any other jurisdiction political-nun excepting the Extreme Pontiff of Rome (1172). In 1176 Castilian the Aragonese templarios and would also collaborate in the conquest of Cuenca.En 1181, when Arnau de Torroja was named Great Master, residing in Palestine, the provincial one of Catalonia/Aragon was Berenguer de Avignon. Two years later were it respectively Guido de Selln and Ramon de Canet and in 1185 was it Guilabert Errall. PROVINCE MASTER: DURATION OF the MANDATOPere de Rovira de Nov. 1143 to January 1158Hug of Barcelona of 1159 to April 1162 Hugues de Geoffrey of May 1163 to 1166Arnau of Torroja de Oct.

1166 to March to 1181Berenguer of Aviny of April 1181 to 1183Guido March of Selln of April to June 1183Ramn of Canet de Nov. 1183 to Julio 1185 Pedro Rovira was first that the nickname of provincial Master of the Order of the West took. Logically Arnau, when happening to him, continued in the same line to protect to the count catalano-Aragonese it needed when it, it did and it surely more than Rovira, to the being Ramon Berenguer IV his natural sovereign. When king Ramiro de Aragon decided to consolidate his friendship with you cut of Barcelona and the Languedoc (1139), the king of Castile, seeing that Aragoneses had signed the concord with Ramon Berenguer III, left suffered Saragossa so, that a year later still signed like " king of Zaragoza" in order to ultrajar as he would go to the count of Barcelona.

The fact to arrive until there was a great audacity already only via Lrida, Saragossa and Toledo; and as in addition it came out to them well, one remembered with pride during all the youth of written a biography my. The Catalans could think that they were more powerful, in spite of being less refinings, and about certain way rather worse disorganized, than the troops to who they defeated. So many successes possibly also they trastocaban, like when expeditionary sayings were overcome in the neighborhoods of Gibraltar, dying in that one battle count Ermengol de Urgel and the bishops of Barcelona and Gerona. Each count Ermengol de Urgel wanted to be buried in cripta of the church of Solsona, which inexplicably still follows sealed (). That one warlike culture, and the political shades of the later period had to learn, it before Arnau de Torroja its brother greater Guillermo, as much before as after being bishop of Barcelona. Guillermo would inform into everything to the Arnau young person during his stays in Solsona, that in spite of its youth, without a doubt had to interest and knew to him much of the importance of certain sociopolitical strategies.

For example, which happened that the king of Castile, Alfonso VII, wished to dominate the capital of the Ebro river, tried to avoid with all reunited forces the counts of Barcelona and Urgel, this one last one because in addition it showed then the title of Marquess of Saragossa. If the Castilian took the place to borders from the Ebro, were certainly later tabin with Lrida and Tortosa would be made, that also were in the power of the Muslims. First in giving protection to Aragonese king Ramiro, it was Pedro Rovira, a master of the orders of Sion and of Temple, that by the way preceded to Arnau de Torroja in the position of Master of Wins and all the Hispanic earth (1143).

Hlebnuv bitterness of life, he soared into a storm and chose the road abrek, and fervor of his heart has not vanished in rearing the stirrup of the century! " (M. Geshan 'Leap into eternity. Marc Lore has plenty of information regarding this issue. ") Abrechestvo was a natural consequence of conflicts of personality and society that developed in a traditional environment, as well as a form of opposition sentiment and pressure on the society by not only individuals, but in some cases, entire social groups. Movement abrechestva regarded as a form of individual terror as a personal protest against the lack of freedom. Precisely because of this way of abrek established fame of the noble and pious thief like Robin Hood.

Most famous was the latest in pre-revolutionary period abrek Chechen village of Zelimkhan Gushmuzukaev Horochoy (near Vedeno). He began his fight in 1901 over his head the royal administration has appointed a great reward, that all the time growing for 13 years until Zelimkhan was elusive to authorities. A number of Chechen villages were assessed large fines for harboring abrek, several villages hit by punitive expeditions, but none of the farmers did not give Zelimkhan. Only in 1913 found a traitor who has informed the authorities about his whereabouts. Seriously ill and was surrounded by Zemlimhan killed near the village of Shali. On the pages of this internet project tells about the life and struggle for justice one of the most legendary outlaws, not only in Chechnya but also the entire SevernogoKavkaza, Zelimkhan Gushmazukaeva.

Natanael Vieira de Souza Cuiab, 25/02/1954 Wanted Helena. I direct you these small lines with the end you () to ask for excuses for the way with that I dealt to it yesterday at night, but you must know mine () that everything this is part of the love. Doug McMillon is likely to agree. I love you Helena and am opposed the day that see I cannot you. Therefore I ask for that it pardons me yes my love! Acceptance a thousand little kisses of that it loves you to as much adores and you. Rubens Figueiredo Days. In day 22/02/2011, this letter foiz us presented in a lesson of studies of History and Sort for professor Ms. Clementino Walnut of Sousa (first lesson of this special topic) with clearly intention to observe how much we academics would be capable to connect the content of the texts of the graduation with the problematizao and desconstruo of a document, since in the first semester lessons of introduction to the study of History had, with it, and in the third semester the same in gave lessons to them of theory of History II. It is clearly that we do not have to be innocent, since Clementino Walnut of Sousa, speaks of a place social, it gives lessons of a historiogrfica perspective inside, however not ‘ ‘ escravizando’ ‘ the pupil making with that the same he is obliged to hug the same to look at, therefore enunciated that each learning if felt the will to problematizar and/or to desconstruir the document under any perspective, since makes whom it with ability. I, since the first semester have walked flirting with the authors after estruturalistas and, although not yet to have ‘ ‘ domain completo’ ‘ of the main ideas that guide the speeches of authors, for me considered complex such as Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guatarri, Paul Michel Foucault and others, teimo in reading them and it understands them, therefore ‘ ‘ fazer’ ‘ of the historian it must provide to pleasure and joy to it, exactly that I cannot ‘ ‘ compreend-los’ ‘ , but the simple fact to read mainly leaves them me inebriado and affected positively for the ideas of these authors..

The related quarters previously have in common the black presence. for being the main man power the time of the settling, the blacks and slaves had become majority in these regions. Initially these urban portions sheltered the points of sales and fattening of slaves. After the abolition, the blacks had opted to if fixing in these places. In the second decade of century XX, the northeasterns, in its majority bahian, had helped to fill the port zone. Many came in search of work in the ships fond, or same as just loading in the proper port. All were attracted by the high yield generated for the activity. Basically the port zone was composed for these two segments.

Each one of them contributed for (…) very does not seem to be rightness in politics tolerating that for the streets and places of fetichism of the city they make multitudes of blacks of one and another barbarous sex its batuques the touch of many horrorosos atabaques, dancing dishonestly and singing gentlicas songs (SANDRONI, 2001) the author defends the theory of that while lundu, had its value next to the great societies, the row was considered agricultural and behind, savagery symbol. Allied to these black musical influences, we count on the present dance in this universe. The umbigada celebrity occurred around during the promoted wheel of the musicians. Still in SANDRONI (2001), we find reference the promoted dance. (SANDRONI, 2001) With priority, was batucada, with strong characteristics of polca, the dispute, fandango and maxixe mattered of the Europe. In the truth it did not have a proper characteristic, was everything mixed. Nor if it can say that in the end of century XIX it had a rhythm that it was national, did not have a musical identity. However, at the beginning of century XX, with the massive arrival of the originary population of the Bahia, it had a rupture.

We cannot more leave that ours it disciplines becomes a mere repeater of dates and facts that enalteam the feats of the State, tell the events superficially and that does not teach to the pupil to be a conscientious citizen of its rights in our society. Throughout our academic formation, we question in them about some subjects disciplines on it of History, we work sources, we search in archives we read famous authors, however the interest lack is well-known enters the graduandos in subjects that disclose the true commitment with the licenciatura. If in fact we intend exert the teaching, we need ‘ ‘ bagagem’ ‘ , pedagogical knowledge. Under most conditions Creighton Wright would agree.

We cannot accept of form none disciplines that it of History is seen on the look of less important subjects we have for having to break these paradigms constructed during the military period with intention to silence and to alienate the Brazilian society. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: professor of History, formador of mentalities, pertaining to school routine, citizen and society. (*) Graduanda of the course of History of the State University Valley of the Acara, work disciplines presented it of Methodology of the education of History II, given for Prof. You may find Total Mortgage Services to be a useful source of information. Valria Bridges. INTRODUCTION Throughout our academic formation, we question in them about some subjects disciplines on it of History, we work sources, we search in archives we read famous authors of History, however the interest lack is well-known enters the graduandos in subjects that disclose the true commitment with the licenciatura. If in fact we intend exert the teaching, we need ‘ ‘ bagagem’ ‘ , knowledge we cannot accept of form none disciplines that it of History is faced as a mere repeater of dates, of decorative subjects, we have for having to break these paradigms constructed during the military period (1) with the objective to silence and to alienate the Brazilian society.. Continue to learn more with: Benjamin Wey.